With our team of experienced and expert engineers of all field such a civil engineering, Mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, we assure our approaching client with the best service and productions within the promised tenure and budget.
We deal with all sorts of mining from the earth, orebody, lode, seam, vein, placer deposit and many other sorts of the potential plot.
Our mining work includes all sorts of ores including Metals, Coals, Shale, Chalk, Dimension Stone, chalk, Gemstones, potash, rock Salt, Gravel or Clay.
Our mining work includes both surface mining and sub-surface (underground) mining which is done so efficiently with updated advanced technology leaving the minimal chance of loss.
According to the requirement, we use small drills to large drills and from small shaft to multi-armed shaft which further enhances the efficiency of mining outcomes.
We have been working in the sector of construction and engineering for the last 7 years and we have various happy clients who are delighted with the service delivery of the Sakshi Resources team.
From the process of discovery of ore body, going through extractions and finally returning the land to its natural state is taken care of efficiently with our fellow workers and expert team and hence tackling all your strain and providing you the better end result.
I think that most manufacturing and mining should be under the purview of state authorities.
— Rand Paul —
Mining Technique We Use
Surface Mining
Both surface mining and subsurface mining have a good grip on, and our surface mining project is done by remove surface vegetation as well as dirt and if necessary then layers of bedrocks are also removed to uncover all the buried ore deposits.
The technique we use in surface mining is Open-pit mining, except referring to sand, stone and clay.
Strip mining where we strip a surface layer off in order to reveal ore/seams laying underneath.
Mountaintop Removal where we deal in coal mining by taking off the top of the mountain and read depths of ore. And also landfill mining where landfills are excavated and processed.
Subsurface mining/Underground Mining
From the mining and digging tunnels or shaft to reach buried ore until its processing everything is done efficiently.
Via Drift mining we horizontal access tunnel is utilized, slope mining is used for diagonal sloping access shaft and shaft mining is for vertical access shafts.
Other mining methods include shrinkage stope mining where mining is done upwards hence creating slope underground, long-wall mining for grinding long ore surface underground, room and pillar mining to remover ore from rooms leaving pillar in place for supporting the roof of the room, retreat mining for loosening more ore and finally Hard rock mining in which hard rocks are targeted, hole is bored and reached the ore.
High Wall Mining
In this mining method, the coal seam is penetrated by continuous mining propel with hydraulic push-beam Transfer Mechanism (PTM). This continues as stumping (launch-pushing forward) and shearing (cutting the entire height of coal seam by raising and lowering cutter head boom).
All these Techniques may seem usual for you but we have advance engineering and machine for efficient mining and best result. This is why we lead the mining sector to withstand the hope of our beneficiary.