Sakshi Resources has gained the trust and market capitalization in the sector of Chemical engineering as well. Our engineers fairly know how to utilize the principles of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, and Economics for the efficient implications with updated technology in the sector of production, Design, Transport, Transformational Energy and more.
Be it the engineering like Nano-Technology or the large scale industrial laboratory process that converts Raw Material, Chemicals, Microorganism, Living Cells or energy into other useful forms; till the Plant design and Operation, Safety aspects, Hazard assessments, Chemical reaction Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Biological Engineering, Operation Instruction or the Construction Specification; we have an experienced and innovative manpower with sufficient adept for the smart operation and management of the chemical plants.
Our past experience and various project operation with renowned companies around the world is enough to give you the assurance regarding our project responsibility and its completion.
My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die.
— Gerard Way —
As per our past veteran partner with industrial, chemical as well as manufacturing clients, We are having skilled engineering serving a wide range of clients with their project in Chemical engineering Sector. Not only that with the coordination of our other engineers we make it sure that from establishment via operation till finish, but we also collaborate with our client and stand onto their expectation.
Our Expertise Extends with these services:
- Expansions
- Estimating & Scheduling
- Environmental Compliance
- Plant Layout
- Plant Retrofits
- New Processes
- Utility Audits
- Modifications & Improvements
Tasks & Deliverables
As the client approach hoping the best service from our side, we also don’t compromise with any steps that affect the quality, safety and analysis segment as well.
We have successfully completed a pile of projects of our clients without compromising on-time delivery. At Sakshi resources, you can easily find that once you attached with us and our client. Below are the sectors where we have helped our clients via these following sectors:
- Alternative Analysis
- Bid Analysis & Review
- Cost Estimating & Scheduling
- Conceptual Design Development
- Construction & Shutdown Scheduling
- Construction Monitoring
- Detail Design
- Final Turn Over to our Clients
- Scope Definition and Development
- Project Coordination with Maintenance
- Safety and Production
- Project Closeout Documents
- Process Design
- HAZOP Reviews & Coordination
- System Start-Up & Commissioning
- Vendor Selections
Equipment and system for Service Delivery
Now we not only boost our services and engineer’s expertise but also ensure that we choose the best types of equipment in scrutinizing and processing them. This is the reason why are capable of delivering the best result and withstand our client satisfaction. Here are some of the equipment and systems that we use.
- Arc Flash
- Bag Houses
- Bucket Elevators
- Centrifuges
- Clarifiers
- Chillers
- Cyclones
- Conveyors
- Classifiers
- Cooling Towers
- Dust Collectors
- Furnaces
- Filters
- Mills
- Pumps/Tanks
- Precipitators
- Pressure Vessels
- Reactors
- Storage Silos
- Scrubbers
Hence with all the tools, analysis, implementation, etc. our chemical engineers dedicate our services for the best satisfaction of our clients and ensures higher productivity and insulation in any damage or leakage if remained. Rest we assure total satisfaction from our side.